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André & Associates Interpretation & Design: August 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007

André & Associates at MPMA Conference 2007 in Fargo, North Dakota

On September 11th, Bianca and Amy will presenting a workshop at the Mountain Plains Museum Association Conference in Fargo, North Dakota.

Teaching Each Other To See: Integrating Communities And Interpretive Planning (AG, ED)
Interested in opportunities to discover and develop your history and culture and share it with others? Presenters provide an introduction to an interpretive planning program using a mentoring process to empower and guide stakeholders through every stage of that process. It provides fun, hands-on learning as you interpret and design your own museum/cultural center. See how youth are an essential part of the bigger cultural preservation picture through a “for academic credit” incentive.


Trip to Taiwan

At the end of June Bianca and Tom travelled to Taiwan to stay in the Fo Guang Shan Monastery to meet the curators and staff of the proposed Buddha Memorial Hall. Their gracious hosts and intense schedule introduced them to the Buddhist Religion, its proponents, and the work of the Fo Guang Shan throughout the world.

Staff from Fo Guang Shan, André & Associates, Click/Netherfield in front of a statute of the Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order

Procession advancing towards the Main Shrine, Fo Guang Shan

Tom Palfrey and Venerable Miaoyi in Monastery Garden, FGS

A superb vegetarian meal prepared for us at Lan Yang Temple, Ilan

Construction site, Buddha Memorial Hall, FGS

Staff from Obayashi, Fo Guang Shan, André & Associates, Click/Netherfield at the building site, Buddha Memorial Hall, FGS

Staff at the Buddhist Canon Research Department, FGS

Venerable Miaoyi and Venerable Ru Chang explain Tibetan Tanka symbolism

Bianca, Tom, terra cotta warrior, Venerable Miaoyi and Juniper Fu in Taipei City Hall

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