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André & Associates Interpretation & Design: Interviewing Artists...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Interviewing Artists...

Irma and Matt continue the adventure of interviewing artists.  These are the first artists to be interviewed... more to come...

From left to right (top) Jim Poole, painter; Joan André, poet; Karen Lancey, metal sculptor; Jean Jacques André, painter/photographer (and our founder!). Bottom left to right: Delayne Corbett, stone sculptor; Isa Sevrain, ceramicist, Matt Brouwer, photographer; Bill Message, metal sculptor.

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Blogger bill said...

It's a fun Project to be involved in, and looks like a lot of great artists are participating. I *hope* I can keep up to them, and do it justice.

Thanks for hosting this Art Show!

May 21, 2010 at 12:44 PM  

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