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André & Associates Interpretation & Design: Interns & Volunteers

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Interns & Volunteers

For many years Andre & Associates has offered an exhibit planning and design internship program.  This year was exceptional.  We were pleased to be flooded with resumes from talented applicants for internships from all over North America!  

This Spring we were thrilled to have (from left to right) Miko Betanzo (volunteer) as well as Irma Rodenhuis (University of Victoria Intern), Carlyn Clifford (Grant MacEwan University Intern), and Alandra Miller (volunteer) join our team!

Carlyn and Alandra worked together to create a scale model for the 20th Anniversary of the  Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Exhibition we are creating for the Valdez Museum and Historical Archives.  This model will be donated to the museum to assist in the fundraising process. This model was created using 98% recycled materials.

Alandra, always cheerful and game for any challenge, finishes up the walls.

Miko, a gifted artist, worked on developing his media skills.

Irma's internship will continue through August 2010.  Stay tuned for the developments of her exciting project!

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May 11, 2010 at 11:46 PM  

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