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André & Associates Interpretation & Design: Western Museum Association Annual Meeting 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Western Museum Association Annual Meeting 2008

Bianca, Tom and Amy attended the Western Museum Association annual conference in Anchorage Alaska from September 16th-20th.

We had a great time catching up with our friends and colleagues from Wanapum Heritage Center, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Royal British Columbia Museum, Morris Thompson Cultural & Visitors Center, Reynolds-Alberta Museum, Jones and Jones Architects, Carrie M.McLain Memorial Museum and meeting new ones at our booth in the exhibit hall. Bianca along with Cindy Schumaker, Tracy Johnson from Bettisworth North and Dixie Alexander presented the session: Stronger Together - The Development of a Community Museum which was a case study on the Morris Thompson Cultural & Visitors Center in Fairbanks, Alaska.

We also enjoyed attending the conference events at the Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum, The Alaska Native Cultural Center and the Anchorage Museum.

Tom, Amy and Angela Neller for the Wanapum Heritage Center in our booth

Amy and Tom "flying" at the Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum

We enjoyed a dance performance at the Alaska Native Cultural Center by Imamsuat, a multi-generational group of Sugpiaq (Alutiiq) people from the Alaska and Lower Kenai Peninsulas, Kodiak & Afognak Islands, and Prince William Sound

We are looking forward to seeing everyone next year in San Diego.



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