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André & Associates Interpretation & Design: Free Spirit at the Royal British Columbia Museum

Monday, March 17, 2008

Free Spirit at the Royal British Columbia Museum

On March 13 we were happy to be part of the public opening of Free Spirit: Stories of You, Me and BC. It is a major feature temporary exhibition noting the 150th birthday of the province. As partners with the Museum on the interpretation and design of this exhibit, it was satisfying to see plans and elevations turn from ‘paper dreams’ into reality. The tone of the exhibit is one of celebration in a classy, museumy sort of way. Outstanding visual artifacts combine with historic items to project a personal history inclusive of British Columbia’s famous and us not-so-famous folk. You can be included in this history by telling your story on the Free Spirit website.

Feature elements include an overhead circular mural (by artists Carol Christianson and Rennie Knowlton) depicting the landscapes of the province. Centered beneath is a ‘tower’ of freestanding photographic images and some 3 dimensional surprises. Interactive elements complement and enrich the exhibit.

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