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André & Associates Interpretation & Design: Nordic Adventures

Friday, February 29, 2008

Nordic Adventures

From February 22nd - 26th, Bianca, Tom, Amy and Yvette travelled to Seattle for preliminary concept design and interpretive planning workshops with Mithun Architects, the Nordic Heritage Museum and world renowned architect Juhani Pallasmaa from Finland. Except for Bianca, this was our first introduction to the Mithun team and the Museum team. Rich, Brendon, Shauna, Gordon, Chris and all the Mithunites made us very welcome. Eric Nelson, Director, and board members together with local academics participated in storyline and theme development for the new Museum. A tour of the existing Museum exhibits and collections allowed us to see the depth of commitment to Nordic Heritage displayed by the community and the staff. A tour of the new museum site revealed the opportunities offered by the urban Ballard location, and the challenges to be met. A lecture by Juhani detailing some of his design work was especially instructive and inspiring. Finnish choral music, folk dancing and a classical music trio served as a taste of what is to come. Visions were shared and friendships started

Yvette, Amy, Tom, Rich, Juhani and Brendan outside the Experience Music Project on our way to the top of the Space Needle

Juhani, Yvette and Kirk at a Storyline Development Workshop

Amy, Yvette and Tom explore the future site of the new museum

Yvette, Brendan, Rich and Juhani discuss the potential of the new site

Kalevala Days at the Nordic Heritage Museum

Storyline Development Workshop at the Nordic Heritage Museum


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