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André & Associates Interpretation & Design: Museum of Mistakes—In House Design Session

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Museum of Mistakes—In House Design Session

Every month (or so) we choose a topic relevant to our industry. We each research and bring to the team our thoughts and experiences.  It is a fabulous time of sharing and learning more about relevant issues.  Officially, its "Professional Development".  Unofficially, its just a lot of fun.  This month we looked at "The Museum of Mistakes" samples we've come across of what not to do.  It was interesting as always as we looked at exhibitions that had been designed and sold to clients from "plan view only"—what a mess it makes when the visitor isn't considered.

We looked at the importance of traffic flow as well as the problems with timelines... disasterous mannequins and much more.  We will be sharing some of these "Errors to Avoid" as well as "Tips From Designers" at our Pre-Conference Workshop at BCMA at the end of the month.  

Part of our In-House Design Sessions is also the study of food and beverage... it was Tom's turn to provide the food and beverage, so he got his friend Kim Butler to create an outstanding arrangement of epicurean delights...

Her "Bouchée Amusé" consisted of:  Gourgere—Burgundian Cheese Puffs of gruyere and smoked apple cheddar; Chicken liver Pate, with figs, cherries, cranberries and Grand Marnier; Tapenade in Chickpea Crepes with chocolate mint, hazelnuts, orange spicy thyme and cinnamon basil; Ginger butter cookies; and Brownies with Broiled Coconut Topping... this was paired with Cono Sur Chardonnay, an organic wine from Valle de San Antonio, Chile.

Oh Kim Thank you so much!  You out did yourself!  We all waddled home a little wiser and a littler rounder!

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