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André & Associates Interpretation & Design: BC Transit - Transit Future Bus - a set on Flickr

Thursday, August 26, 2010

BC Transit - Transit Future Bus - a set on Flickr

Our latest unique project has just been completed. We designed and fabricated a traveling exhibit in the interior of a decommissioned transit bus in only 6 weeks! Although the whole team pitched in for the installation, extra congratulations go out to our Designer Amy Willson for meeting a truly heroic deadline and to Bianca whose Project Management ensured the job was on time and on-budget.

A huge thanks also to the BC Transit team for all their hard work. There's too many people to list everyone, but we couldn't have done it without Anita and Fred and their respective teams!

Check out our Flickr photostream for shots of the installation and completed bus.

BC Transit - Transit Future Bus - a set on Flickr

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Blogger bill said...

Congratulations Team!!

Loved the flickr photos! The design looks great!

Your 'bus driver' photos were fun too! Not gonna lie t'ya, looks like Amy's bus is gonna have the most fun!

August 26, 2010 at 5:46 PM  

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