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André & Associates Interpretation & Design: Comments on the Show...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Comments on the Show...

Tom Wrote:
We went to see the show at the Legacy. Everyone produced, what I think, was their best efforts.  I hope you were pleased with them.  Jac's piece, was, I have to say, my favorite... it has that "take no prisoners" directness that appeals to me.

Jim Poole wrote:  
About the show: if I had to sum it up in one word I'd say 'slick'. Carefully arranged and hung - it made for a relaxing walk through where you could enjoy the pieces. And a great cross section of work, that hung well together. Normally I would bring a hankie to mop up the sweat - these openings can be stressful and claustrophobic. But it was cool - no sweat. I read the program over morning coffees on Sunday - great job! The show left me wanting more, and that's a good thing. I bet it was tough to make the final selections - you did a great job! And you made me look good - cheers!

Thanks again

Bill Message wrote: 
Thanks for working so hard to put a great show together.  Things looked amazing!  It was clean and professional and intriguing and compelling.  You managed your speech with grace and good humour.  All it all a very well done production.

Thanks for letting me be in the show, I was honoured to be included.  Thanks too for the gift of the book and poster and cd of photos, I will enjoy looking at them over and over.

Here's hoping lots of folks manage to come by the Legacy Gallery in the next couple of weeks to experience what Hope in the 21st Century might look like.

Will you be able to post a couple of pages from the Catalogue on your blog so folks can see if they are interested in purchasing?  You know, see what they are buying?  Just a thot...

Thanks again,

Jean Jacques wrote:
What I would love to see as yet another finishing touch is the photos of the gallery with all the work in place. Has  Matt been able to do it or is it too late? 
Encore une fois felicitations pour un  superbe travail dans tous les  details... including the gift to the artist, a delightful finishing touch with the personalized CD, posters , catalogue and even tea to sober up ! 
Un grand, grand bravo and hugs all around, jj

Jac wrote:
You guys did a fantastic job of setting up the show, the dynamic interplay between the pieces works well. I always love water where it's not expected (in the art gallery scheme of things) so that piece is a fantastic anchor. I like all the pieces. 

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Blogger Rennie Knowlton said...

It was very interesting to see such a broad response to the subject.

Congratulations to all involved. A gem of a show!


August 14, 2010 at 5:41 PM  

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