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André & Associates Interpretation & Design: Contacting the Artists...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Contacting the Artists...

This show was created by inviting 12 artists.  As this is a public show the art will not be for sale during the exhibition.  The works have been created specifically in response to the theme "Art Beyond Beauty: Hope in the 21st Century".

The full description of the artist's feelings toward the theme and a description of their pieces is available in the exhibition catalogue.   It will be for sale at the Grand Opening on Saturday, July 17th and after that it will be available by order from André & Associates.

Please contact us and place your order:  (250) 389-1677

List of participating artists:

Bill Message, Metal Sculptor (bill-message@shaw.ca)
Dan Kahan, Cinematographer (dankahan@shaw.ca)
Delayne Corbett, Sculptor (sculptin@gmail.com)
Isa Sevrain, Clay Painter (isas@shaw.ca)
Jac André, Photographer (jacandre@telus.net)
Jean Jacques André, Visual Artist (jjandrejj@shaw.ca)
Jim Poole, Painter (jim@shawcable.com)
Joan E. André, Artist and Poet (andrejjac@shaw.ca)
Karen Lancey, Metal Sculptor ( karenlancey@yahoo.com)
Matt Brouwer, Photographer (mattbrouwer@gmail.com)
Miko Betanzo, Painter (miko_betanzo@yahoo.com)
Yvette André, Mixed Media Artist (bluedragonstudio@shaw.ca)

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