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André & Associates Interpretation & Design: Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums Conference 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums Conference 2009

Tom, Bianca and Ashley found themselves meeting up with many long time friends that were met in collaboration on projects at the Streams of Language, Memory and Lifeways conference in Portland.  Malissa Minthorn had invited us to come and this being our first time attending this conference, we were left wanting more.  It was outstanding.  Huge thanks to Malissa Minthorn Winks and Bobbie Conner of Tamastslikt Cultural Institute, as well as the many others who brought this conference so successfully together. The energy was warm and the passion deep. It was good to talk to friends Dallas Dick, Randall Melton, also from TCI and Philip Cash Cash, who we first met at TCI.  
Marsha Mathews of the Oregon Historical Society not only put on a good spread for the gala evening, but also was part of the conference planning.

The guest speakers were moving and motivational, encouraging and empowering.  The bags were loaded with useful information, including one of Sherman Alexie's books "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian".  Each of us read it as a way to help transition us from the intense, meaningful depth of the conference, enabling us to let go of the cherished time more slowly.

We were so pleased to get to see Anita Heard from Ziibiwing Center for Anishinabe Culture and Lifeways accept the award for Excellence in Museums.  It was so good to catch up with Anita.  Also wonderful to once again catch up with Janine Bowechop Director of Makah Cultural and Research Center and hear of all the things going on in Neah Bay.

We were proud of our friends Angela Buck, Jason Buck, Rex Buck III, and Angela Neller from Wanapum Heritage Center who gave a presentation on Language, Memories and Lifeways on the Middle Columbia: Protecting, Preserving, and Perpetuating Identity at the Wanapum Heritage Center.

It was good to catch up with other friends, Buffy McQuillen from the Yurok Tribe and David Lewis from the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde as well as Jeanpaul Jones, Marjorie and Bruce Arnold from Jones and Jones Architects.

It was our privilege to sponsor one of the luncheons, and we couldn't believe the size of the sign Malissa and her team had made up!  WOW!  You sure know how to make someone feel special!

Thanks again to all involved.  This is a conference we'd like to help support again and again!

Bianca with Malissa Minthorn Winks and Bobbie Conner from the Tamastslikt Cultural Institute

Bianca, Tom and Ashely with Anita Heard from the Ziibiwing Center for Anishinabe Culture and Lifeways

Bianca, Tom and Ashley with Malissa Minthorn Winks from Tamastslikt Cultural Institute

André & Associates sponsored a lunch for the conference attendees

Anita Heard accepting the award for excellence in museums for the Ziibiwing Center. We shared in the celebration of this award as we felt privileged to be part of creating this amazing project.

Bobbie Conner and Malissa Minthorn Winks from the Tamastslikt Cultural Institute with David Lewis from the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde



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