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André & Associates Interpretation & Design: Morris Thompson Installation

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Morris Thompson Installation

The Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center, a project André & Associates has been involved with for close to 10 years, is rapidly nearing completion. In mid-July Bianca, Tom, Michael & Chris Sia (lighting designer) traveled to Fairbanks, Alaska for onsite supervision of these final and crucial elements.

Dixie and Tom work on showcase layout.

Is he inside or outside? Jan Vriesen paints the final touch-ups on his diorama.

Brees Studio fabricated the foreground, creating a seamless landscape for the visitor to experience Alaska in all her stunning seasons (minus the mosquitos).

Beck Interiors is the fabricator for the Morris Thompson Center.

Michael was able to take an afternoon (working 18 days straight–he deserves it!) to experience 'real' Alaska by attending the Tanana Valley State Fair. Here he is posing with 42lb cabbages!

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