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André & Associates Interpretation & Design: A Memorable Feast!

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Memorable Feast!

One cold winter night in December, we found our selves in the glittering surroundings of the Deep Cove Chalet restaurant, courtesy of the founder of André & Associates and the author of the seasonal feast to follow. JJ André has long drawn the analogy between a great exhibit design and the preparations and enjoyment of a well-planned feast, and now we were to test the validity of his proposition.

(For the definitive description please see Bianca’s superlative translation of this suave, accent-free, Gallic philosophy.)

Name cards marked our designated seat, for seating is important to good conversation.

A well designed menu listed the courses, choices and the wines (in French, mais naturalement). An explanation was given of each course as we tucked into delectable morsels and quaffed the sweet nectar (semi-dry in some cases). Tap water in bottles with designer labels completed the liquid refreshments. Noses sniffed, tastebuds quivered, as each course was sampled, consumed and consigned to gustatory memory. Heartfelt speeches and equally heartfelt toasts befitting the occasion sprang to the lips of those oratorically inclined. The event was memorialized by our gallant photographer, who ate one course before he remembered to record its too-brief existence.

The menu designed by JJ André

First Course: Le Foie Gras

Second Course: Les Escargots en Croute

Third Course: L'Esturgeon á L'Alsacienne

Forth Course: Timbale au Roquefort

Fifth Course: Breast of Duck aux Olives

Desssert: Tarte Tatin

QED: With flair and élan, the proposition was conclusively proved, well beyond the wispy shadow of an insubstantial doubt.

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Blogger bill said...

I do wonder, though, if the Team truly learned the lesson? If in doubt, perhaps a return engagement for a refresher would be in order?

Better safe than sorry, I always say.

February 9, 2009 at 12:08 PM  

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