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André & Associates Interpretation & Design: Fact Finding Tour of the Haida Gwaii

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Fact Finding Tour of the Haida Gwaii

At the beginning of June, Bianca, Tom and Amy went on a fact finding tour of the Haida Gwaii. Currently, André & Associates are working with OMVBC and the community with economic development opportunities in conjunction with the creation of their cultural centre.

Meeting with John Disney, the Economic Development Officer, for the Old Massett Village Band Council (OMVBC).

Jim Hart's longhouse in Old Massett

Exploring Old Massett

Researching the photo archives at the Dixon Entrance Maritime Museum in Masset

We had a tour of the new Qay'llnagaay Lodge and Heritage Centre in Skidegate. Here Bianca and Tom ran into a dear friend and collegue Carl Schlichting who is creating masterful mounts and guiding the installation of artifacts at the new museum. The showcase layouts are sure to be world class as Carl works with Nika and the team in Skidegate.

Tom, Bianca and Carl exploring near Skidegate.



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